• eLearning is the learning management system (LMS) for Cairn University. This system hosts course related resources and activities for the duration of the class. Courses are typically archived once the semester is over and the students must retain a copy of their work. Final grades are posted on SelfService. Note that some of the materials on this site are subject to copyright and may NOT be distributed. Students' use of these materials is limited to the term in which a course is taught. 

    To get started, please enter your login credentials on right of this page. Faculty and student tutorials and guides are at the bottom of this page. In addition to regular support via email and telephone, “live help” (online chat support) is available from Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.  Click on 'live help' below to alert the support staff. 

    • Microsoft Office  Need Office 2016/2019 for your Mac or PC? Get it for free using your Cairn account. 

      ! Users may experience a slower system response from 3:00AM - 4:00AM EST (daily) due to scheduled system synchronization and maintenance processes.